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Review - Fitnessblender 8 Week Program

If you are looking for an affordable workout program for some serious fat loss/weight loss or even strength training, the FitnessBlender 8 week program aiming at fat loss is one that you should definitely consider! in this review, I'll give you detailed information about my program results.

You may be like me, a SAHM looking for a great program to keep you on track with your fitness goals, or maybe you're looking into the program because working out in a gym just isn't your style. Either way, the great thing about the program is that it provides you with a day-by-day calendar to keep you on track with your fat loss/fitness goals.

FitnessBlender 8 Week Programs

There are two different FitnessBlender 8 Week Programs--the FBfit and FB30. The FBfit program is the one I did because I wanted the full length workout videos, but if you are too busy for the full videos, you could do the 30 minute videos with the FB30 program. I can't say if the results are the same, but I'm sure it's a great workout based on my results from the FBfit.

About FitnessBlender

I love the FitnessBlender team, Kelli and Daniel. They are not only great personal trainers, but they have an awesome mission--making fitness affordable to everyone. I have been following their workout programs for several years. The convenience of working out at home is exactly what this mom of two babies needs, otherwise, I'll go weeks without seeing a gym. I stumbled upon their Fittnessblender Facebook page, and started following their Youtube channel. It's unheard of to offer such great workout videos, FOR FREE!

Connect with the FitnessBlender Team

If you want to follow FitnessBlender Facebook page. Also, if you'd like to take a look at some of their free workout videos, you can do so by subscribing to their channel on youtube.

The 8 Week Program Schedule

All you do is purchase the FitnessBlender ebook, written by Kelli Segars (who is absolutely phenomenal), which provides you with video workout day-by-day schedule. You will then access the same free videos found on youtube, but you will get more information with this program, like nutritional advice, estimate of calories burned, and motivation and tips for living a healthy life.

Program Workouts

In the FitnessBlender 8 Week Program, you will do a variety of workouts, and I mean VARITY! The workouts are about an hour long, on average, and some are longer for the 1,000 calorie video workouts. You will do everything from Pilates to weight training, some cardio (high and low impact), lots of body weight exercises, plyometrics and... drum roll... the famous HIIT workouts (they're killer).

The video workout intensity within the program range, but I've worked out all of my life and I was sore the entire 8 weeks. That being said, if you are a beginner in the fitness department, these workouts are still right for you! Kelli provides you with some alternative workouts (during the first 2 weeks) to slowly transition you into the full-fledged burn. You could also slow the pace by pausing the video if you feel you are being overworked, another reason I love working out from home!

Program Details

The FitnessBlender 8 week program focuses primarily on reducing overall body fat and getting toned, but I also noticed a big difference in my strength and flexibility (thanks to the Yoga workouts and stretching). The workout calendar provides you with a 5 day/week workout schedule (with workout videos), and the option to pick up a 6th thanks, at least not the first time around!

In addition to the program's workout videos and workout schedule, you also get a clean eating guide that teaches you HOW to eat clean. The benefits to tracking calories are endless, and studies are revealing that it is crucial when trying to not just lose weight, but to stay healthy.

Program Equipment

The only workout equipment you need for this program is a set of dumbells. Yep, that's it!

Program Eating

This was the hardest part of the program for me--the clean eating. The guide is amazing, as it is very in-depth, but putting it into action was difficult. The important thing is just to stick with it in the beginning. By the end of the 8 week program, you'll be so done with sugar, and so pleased with the results that you'll quit thinking about chocolate desserts...well, sometimes you'll think about them.

Program Cost

The cost of this FitnessBlender program is minimal. It's $15 for the entire 8 weeks, which makes the program just a quarter a day. Again, this gives you not only the workouts, but provides you with an extensive clean eating guide. This is the key to fat and weight loss!!!

Program Results

I was very pleased with my results by the end of the 8 week program. I didn't actually lose much weight with this program (wasn't my target goal) but I did go from 20% body fat to 17% body fat. To drop 3% body fat so quickly was shocking, as I have been working out my whole life and it just doesn't normally shed that quickly (especially after two children...). My pants are also very loose now, even my belts, woo hoo!

According to the FitnessBlender Facebook page, the changes you're expected to see are not just pertaining to body fat and composition, but even improvements in mood, energy and sleep. I didn't notice a huge difference in my energy level-- In fact, I'm pretty sure my energy decreased because I was so exhausted after each work out (and the rest of the day) but I did notice positive changes in my mood and sleep patterns.

In addition to all of these great things, I also noticed a tremendous increase in my flexibility after the 8 week program, thanks to those good ole' Yoga classes! I have never really been a Yoga person, but now I'm a huge fan. In fact, since the program has ended I've gone to 2 different hot Yoga classes and actually knew what I was doing, So, for those of you that are scared to enter a Yoga studio, this is a good way to introduce yourself!

FitnessBlender 8 Week Program Review Score

Overall, I give this program a 10/10, a 5-star rating! It's an excellent way to workout from home, with workout videos that will actually challenge you.

Here are the FitnessBlender Full Length Workout Videos

These are two 1000 calorie video workouts...Get ready to sweat!

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